Monday, February 16, 2009

Update from ZAP - Great Reviews for 2006

We poured at ZAP two weeks ago - it was a great event as always. My Uncle Angelo Puccioni, and my cousin Allison and her husband Tim helped me pour. We poured the 2005 and 2006 Old Vine Zinfandel - We got a great response on the 2006 - with at least two writers/retailers ranking it in the top five of the entire tasting!!!!!!!!!!! We were extremely happy with that. Also we got a nice write up in the Connoisseurs' Guide - They gave us one puff and an 87 - using the descriptors - gutsy, deep fruit, sweet oak, ripe, extracted - and said it would go well with hearty barbecued meats on the bone.

I will add some pictures with the next post - need to get those from my uncle.

Also you have to love the rain - keep it coming we need it.

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